Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tis the Season...for Online Advent Calendars and Web 2.0 Tools!

The iLearn Technology blog recently posted the cutest links to Advent calendars for suggested use in the classroom.  When I first saw the topic of the blog entry, I was a big hesitant because I have typically associated the word Advent with what we talk about at church during the Christmas season.  Since I teach in a public school, I have to be cautious!  However, upon further review, I found that the advent calendars were secular.  Today, I incorporated one into my classroom.  The calendar I chose contains the story of Santa and Mrs. Claus as they prepare for Christmas.  Each day presents a new piece of the story.  So, this technological resource should lend itself to reading strategies, such as making predictions.  We did December 1st and 2nd today, and I had kids begging me to go ahead and reveal December 3rd.  Clearly, this was an engaging activity for the students!  J
The blog’s author also had a treat for the teachers…a Web 2.0 Advent calendar!  Each day reveals a classroom appropriate Web 2.0 tool!  I look forward to having some time to review these tools so that I can incorporate new technological tools into my instruction.  The iLearn Technology blog has been my favorite part of the IT Community this semester.  I look forward to the wonderful resources and ideas that I know will continue to come from iLearn Technology. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura, Thanks for the mention of iLearnTechnology! I am so glad that you could use the advent calendar with your students, I have used the Santa story too and my students really enjoyed it. Thanks for passing my post on :)
